With energy deregulation, businesses are now free to shop for their electric supply on a competitive basis. As an Energy broker we shop your local market for the lowest cost electric supplier for your business. There is no cost or fee for this service. Your local utility still will service and bill your business, you just get a lower electric rate and a lower monthly cost.
There is no obligation after you receive our quotes. But in almost all cases you can lower your monthly electric bills by 10 to 15% with no change in billing or service. Please contact us for your free no obligation quotes.
Call or email Cliff Grekin at 631-963-6020 cgrekin91@aol.com
Your business must be located in NY state(excluding Long Island), NJ, Ct, PA, MD, RI, NH, TX, VA, VT and CA.
Please complete an authorization form and fax it to 631-656-2512, please include a copy of your recent electric bill. We will give you a quote within 48 hours for a fixed rate contract for 12, 24 and 36 months. You choose your contract period.
If your business is located in NY and is serviced by Con Edison or National Grid/Keyspan and you want to lower your energy bill(natural gas) please visit PGP Energy(natural gas) .